The following policies apply to and any other site affiliated with Catalano Music LLC. This Policy applies to Catalano Music LLC, and it governs any and all data collection and usage by us. Through the use of, you are therefore consenting to the data collection procedures expressed in this Policy. 

Catalano Music LLC (Catalano Music) values its users' privacy. This Privacy Policy (Policy) will help you understand how we collect and use personal information from those who visit our website or make use of our online facilities and services, and what we will and will not do with the information we collect. Our Policy has been designed and created to ensure those affiliated with Catalano Music LLC of our commitment and realization of our obligation not only to meet, but to exceed, most existing privacy standards. 

Please note that this Policy does not govern the collection and use of information by companies that Catalano Music LLC does not control, nor by individuals not employed or managed by us. If you visit a website that we mention or link to, be sure to review its privacy policy before providing the site with information. It is highly recommended and suggested that you review the privacy policies and statements of any website you choose to use or frequent to better understand the way in which websites garner, make use of and share the information collected. 

Collection of Personal Information 

Catalano Music LLC automatically collects and/or tracks (1) the home server domain names, e-mail addresses, type of client computer, and type of Web browser of visitors to Catalano Music LLC’s Web site, (2) the e-mail addresses of visitors that communicate with Catalano Music LLC via e-mail, (3) information that you voluntarily provide such as your name, address, phone number, place of birth, date of birth, nationality, gender, educational and work experience, and e-mail address and (4) user-specific information on what pages visitors access. 

Catalano Music LLC may place an Internet cookie on a visitor's hard drive. The Internet cookie may save some or all of the following information: the visitor’s name, email address, shopping cart, screen preferences, the pages of the Web site viewed by the visitor, and the advertisements viewed or clicked by the visitor. Internet cookies never store payment information, dollar amounts, or any transaction data. Internet cookies are stored on the visitor’s hard drive and are not stored, in any form, by Catalano Music LLC. Visitors may decline the Internet cookie by using the appropriate feature of their Web client software, if available. 

Use of Personal Data Collected 

Personal data collected by Catalano Music LLC may be used by Catalano Music LLC for editorial and feedback purposes, for marketing and promotional purposes, for a statistical analysis of users’ behavior, for service development, for content improvement, and to customize content and layout of Catalano Music LLC’s site. Catalano Music LLC may use the information you provide about yourself to fulfill your requests for our services, to respond to your inquiries about our offerings, to offer you other programs or services that we believe may be of interest to you. Data on visitors’ home servers is aggregated for internal review and then discarded. Names, postal and e-mail addresses, and phone numbers collected may be added to Catalano Music LLC’s databases and used for future calls and mailings regarding site updates, new services or upcoming events.

Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties 

Catalano Music LLC does not rent or sell personal data, but will not obtain visitor’s consent before sharing or otherwise disclosing data to third parties. Catalano Music LLC will only disclose to third parties information knowingly and voluntarily disclosed by visitors. Catalano Music LLC may use or disclose the information you provide about yourself to our contractors, agents and suppliers to fulfill your requests for our services or in connection with the operation of this site or any Promotions. We may disclose personally identifiable information in response to legal process, for example, in response to a court order or a subpoena. We also may disclose such information in response to a law enforcement agency’s request.

Opt-out Page

Visitors may opt out of having their personal information collected by Catalano Music LLC, used by Catalano Music LLC for secondary purposes, disclosed to third parties or used by Catalano Music LLC or third parties to send promotional correspondences to the visitor, by contacting Catalano Music LLC at

Access to & Ability to Correct Personal Data

Upon request via postal mail, e-mail, or phone, Catalano Music LLC will provide to visitors a summary of any personal information retained by Catalano Music LLC regarding the visitor. Visitors may modify, correct, change, or update their personal record or cause their personal record to be removed from Catalano Music LLC’s database. Catalano Music LLC will only send personal records to the e-mail

address on file for the visitor name associated with it. 

Catalano Music LLC’s Right to Contact User 

Catalano Music LLC reserves the right to contact site visitors regarding this privacy policy, or any other policies or agreements relevant to site visitors.

Catalano Music LLC’s Right to Change Privacy Policy

Catalano Music LLC reserves the right to change this policy at any time. It is your responsibility to check the policy for any changes.


Collection of Personal Data From Children 

Catalano Music LLC’s web site is not intended for or marketed to persons under the age of 18. Catalano Music LLC does not solicit personal information from children under the age of 13 and, without the written consent of the child’s parent or legal guardian, will not knowingly collect, post or distribute information from any child under the age of 13. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13 without the written consent of that child’s parent or legal guardian, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. Parents of children under the age of 13 have the option of consenting to the collection and use of the child’s information without consenting to the disclosure of such information to third parties. In any event, we will not disclose such information to third parties unless they are under an obligation of confidentiality. If the parent or legal guardian consents, we may collect the child’s name, email address gender, date of birth, instruments played, and musical preferences directly from the child or his/her parent. We will use the information for purposes of tailoring curriculum to our students needs and interests, and for internal customer analysis/insights related work and will collect only such information as is reasonably necessary for those purposes. Consenting parents may, by sending an email to us at, review the information we have collected from his/her child, withdraw his/her consent to any further collection or use of the information, and ask that we delete the information we have collected.

 Links to Other Websites 

Our website does contain links to affiliate and other websites. Catalano Music LLC does not claim nor accept responsibility for any privacy policies, practices and/or procedures of other such websites. Therefore, we encourage all users and visitors to be aware when they leave our website and to read the privacy statements of every website that collects personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy Agreement applies only and solely to the information collected by our website.  

Acceptance of Terms 

By using this website, you are hereby accepting the terms and conditions stipulated within the Privacy Policy Agreement. If you are not in agreement with our terms and conditions, then you should refrain from further use of our sites. In addition, your continued use of our website following the posting of any updates or changes to our terms and conditions shall mean that you agree and accept such changes. 


How to Contact Us 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Privacy Policy Agreement related to our website, please feel free to contact us at the following email, telephone number or mailing address. 


Telephone Number: (330) 360-6561 

Mailing Address:

Catalano Music LLC

6312 Cardinal Wood Dr.

Greensboro, NC 27410